Nusenda Credit Union Mobile and Internet Banking

Services: The Power of Change 57 Services The Power of Change The Power of Change is a simple way for Nusenda Credit Union members to boost their savings, reduce their debt, or positively impact their communities by using their Nusenda Visa® debit card or breeze™ debit card. Once opted-in to the program, each time you use your debit card, the transaction will be rounded up to the nearest dollar. The roundup amounts from those purchases are accumulated and transferred daily in a single transaction at the end of the business day from the member’s checking account to the member’s selected designation overnight. 1 2 3 4 In the menu, select Account Services tab, then click The Power of Change. 1. Click the View Full Disclosure link to review the disclosure. 2. Use the drop-down to select a destination. 3. Check the box next to I agree to The Power of Change Disclosure. 4. Click the Submit button.